Kaszuby Cottagers Association





July 2024 - KCA 2024 Spring/Summer Newsletter

Also, please take a moment to read the KCA Eurasian Water-Milfoil Report
The report was written to address the Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) outbreak on lakes under
the auspices of the Kaszuby Cottagers Association (KCA).


July 24, 2023 - Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2023



July 10, 2023 - Our new Newsletter

Take a look for info about the outcome of Barry's Bay last election, improvements to the Kosnaski Barn, the disposal of your waste and brush and an opportunity to help out the KCA in the coming year.

Don't forget the Annual General Meeting: We will hold our AGM at the Chapel as we did last year on Sunday July 16, 2023 at 11:30 am (rain date July 23rd). Looking forward to seeing everyone!



July 30, 2021 - Where to find Help

Problems? Here are some handy numbers to call

Excessive Noise Complaints:  Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM 613-756-2747 Ext 235; After Hours call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122

Animal By-Law Complaints:  Dogs are required to be on a leash while in Madawaska Valley Township. Owners of dogs caught running loose may face a $305 ticket.  Animal and By-Law calls are answered Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 4:00PM 613-756-2747 Ext. 223. Fire calls will take precedence. You will require the address from where the dog is staying and possibly a license plate# of the violator.

MNFR Tip Line for Violations to Natural Resources:  Most water bodies in Ontario are crown land managed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNFR) and they have rules for specific things such as dredging, destruction of beaver dams, shore line complaints, etc. Complaints should be addressed by calling the MNFR Tip Line:  1-877-847-7667.

Boating Compaints: The OPP Marine division regularly patrols area lakes.  Complaints related to dangerous driving, speeding, etc. should be addressed to the OPP Marine division at 1-888-310-1122.

Telehealth Ontario: Get fast, free medical advice through Telehealth Ontario at: 1-866-797-0000 1-866-797-0007 In a medical emergency don't call Telehealth. Call 911 immediately. If you have questions about COVID-19, please take this self-assessment to determine if you need to seek further care before  calling Telehealth Ontario.

April 8, 2021 - Newsletter and Membership Renewal

Our new newsletter is out with information about Covid Vaccinations, the new dam on Halfway Lake, our response to the Hydro billing changes, details about this year's Annual General Meeting and a Memorial listing.

The Acrobat PDF version is available is posted here and on our Newsletters page.

Our Membership Application/Renewal form can be downloaded here.



April 8, 2021 – Province Wide STAY at HOME ORDER

Effective Thursday, April 8, 2021, at 12:01 a.m., the government issued a province-wide Stay-at-Home order requiring everyone to remain at home except for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), for outdoor exercise, or for work that cannot be done remotely. As Ontario’s health care capacity is threatened, the Stay-at-Home order and other new and existing public health and workplace safety measures will work to preserve public health system capacity, safeguard vulnerable populations, allow for progress to be made with vaccinations and save lives. Residents are encouraged to follow the Renfrew County District Health Unit and Provincial Guidelines’ guidelines and protocols to avoid travel.


a.The Township Office is closed to the public. All departments are open for business and staff will continue to provide essential services through email and telephone. Appointments for time-sensitive or legislative issues can be scheduled. Payment options include: paying at a bank, online or telephone banking, mailing a cheque, or dropping payment off at the Township Office in the secure drop box at 85 Bay Street (a receipt can be mailed if requested at the time of payment). Payments, correspondence, or parcels, can be left at the drop box located to the left of the front door. A drop box is also available at the back door for larger envelopes and documents for the Building and Planning Department. Please call 613-756-2747 to schedule an appointment or visit our website at www.madawaskavalley.ca for contact or update information. Please include your name, subject matter, civic address, and telephone number when leaving a message.

b. The Paul J Yakabuski Community Centre, the Combermere Community Centre, the Railway Station, and the Lakeshore Tennis Courts will be closed to the public. All bookings and programming for this period of the lockdown have been canceled.

c. The Madawaska Valley Public Library will be closed to the public. Logistics for curbside pickup are being finalized and will be posted to the Library website at www.madawaskavalleylibrary.ca and through social media. For any further queries, call the library at 613-756-2000.

d. The Drive Test at the Paul J Yakabuski Community Centre is canceled until the Emergency Order is over.


There is no anticipated impact on the curbside collection activities, and the schedules are expected to remain the same as previously advertised. The Bark Lake landfill site, the Wilno and Combermere recycling depots will remain open with social distancing in place. A debit machine is now available at the Bark Lake Landfill Site. You are encouraged to tag your bags before arrival at the sites to reduce the exchange of Cash. Tags/Vouchers can be purchased at the following locations throughout Madawaska Valley:
-McEwen Barry’s Bay (formerly Esso)
-Shell Barry’s Bay
-C.O. Country Market (Combermere)
-Ultramar Barry’s Bay


Facility closures will not impact the scheduled and upcoming meetings of the Council. They will continue to meet virtually.

The Township Of Madawaska Valley supports the Province of Ontario and the Renfrew County District Health Unit by encouraging residents to respect the Stay at Home Order.


• If you have symptoms; use the Covid-19 Self-Assessment Screening Tool at https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/
• Renfrew County District Health Unit – 613-732-3629 extension 977 or 1-800-267-1097.
• For more information on COVID-19 updates and Vaccine information please check the Renfrew County District Health website. https://www.rcdhu.com/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-2
• If you live in Renfrew County and District, have a health concern (including a concern related to COVID-19) and If you do not have a family physician or cannot access your family physician, call the Renfrew County Virtual Triage and Assessment Centre (RC VTAC) at 1-844-727-6404. A medical receptionist will connect you with care and support from a nurse practitioner, family physician and/or community paramedic. This new service is covered by OHIP with a valid health card. Learn more at www.rcvtac.ca.
• For complaints regarding inappropriate or illegal gatherings, call OPP – 1-888-310-1122.
• Township of Madawaska Valley By law officer 613-756-2747ext235 leave a message.
If travel is necessary, avoid close contact with others, stay at least 2 meters away, wash your hands regularly, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Respect local business protocols, including wearing a mask, reducing shopping trips, one member per family entering a store, and practicing all Renfrew County District Health Unit guidelines as established.



The 2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Despite the Covid 19 restrictions we managed to have our AGM this year. You can read the minutes here. As usual, click to read, right click and save to download.



March 31, 2020

I am communicating the attached Urgent Message from Township of Madawaska Valley - Mayor Kim Love, as well as an Elert from the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association regarding the impact of COVID-19 on rural/cottage communities and consideration to be taken by seasonal residents before making a decision to shelter at the cottage.

The capacity of health facilities, essential services and supply chains is already strained. Let's not add unnecessarily to the challenges facing the local service and care providers, as well as the permanent residents of the community. To the extent possible, reconsider the cottage visit to a later date when the virus eases, and we have come through this together.

Stay safe — Be well
Sophia Sudnikowicz
President Kaszuby Cottagers Association

urgent message  Download or view this message and associated documents


Thinking of visiting the cottage? Here are a list of recommendations from the Federation of Ontario Cottager's Association:

If you do relocate to your waterfront residence (or are there already), FOCA has been suggesting the following, since late March:

  • Provision yourself for several weeks (with food, drinks, gas, hardware supplies, prescriptions) before leaving your off-season community, so that you will not need to make stops along the way. This is not the time for our usual credo to “buy local” in cottage country. As you would do anywhere at this time, should you urgently need anything from a retailer or pharmacy you should call ahead to see if there are options for safe pickup or delivery.
  • Continue to follow all the principles of social distancing at the cottage! Although cottage country is usually the place for relaxed rules, that cannot be the case anywhere for the foreseeable future. Cottages are often the gathering places for multiple households in an extended family; for now, and possibly for some time to come, that could put everyone at risk.
  • Develop an exit plan with immediate family, in case you develop any indications of illness while at your waterfront property.
  • As the clock slows down on our usually-hectic schedules, use this time to enjoy nature, cook, read, sing, dance, nap and dream about dock-jumping time to come.


Click here for the latest COVID 19 news from FOCA


2020 04 01 Municipal Corner ~Mayors Message

Dear Madawaska Valley residents, businesses and community,

Last week the Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) confirmed the first laboratory tested
Positive case of COVID-19 in a Renfrew County resident who has been hospitalized at Pembroke
Regional Hospital. The RCDHU press release quoted the Acting Medical Officer of Health for our area:

"We know that confirmed cases represent only a fraction of disease activity in the community. For
every 2 confirmed case there are probably 10 cases out in the community and quite possibly 100.
The message is clear. COVIDsI8 is in Eastern Ontario and in Renfrew County” says Dr. Robert
Cushman, Acting Medical Officer of Health, Renfrew County and District Health Unit

COVID-19 is in Renfrew County.

Returning Snow Birds and all travelers must go straight home and stay home alone for 14 days. Not
feeling sick today does not mean you don't have or carry COVID-19. Your family, friends and
community are depending on you to help flatten the curve by stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Seasonal residents and cottagers, please carefully consider the good advice provided by the Federation
of Ontario Cottagers’ Association before making a decision to shelter at the cottage. All non essential
businesses in Madawaska Valley are closed. Essential businesses and services are stressed by supply
shortages and reduced capacity due to physical distancing and self-isolating. There are not enough
Family Doctors for the year-round population and our rural healthcare system has no extra COVID-19
capacity. Life has changed here just as much as has back home.

During this pandemic, changes have been made so the municipality can continue serving our community
and protect the health of our employees and the public. The Municipal office is closed to the public but
staff are working and available by phone or email. We are gelling ready to hold electronic Council,
meetings that will be available at the public online. Council has approved a COVID-19 Response Plan,
and the Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) and the CEMC alternate are
participating in conference calls with the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, the County of
Renfrew and Public Health. They are also monitoring the spring freshet and the municipality is prepared
should spring flooding become an issue.

Council would like to thank everyone who provides essential serves to our community, If you are not
one of these workers, stay at home, if you must get food or pick up a prescription, please respect
others and follow the physical distancing directions provided in local businesses, Remember to wash
your hands regularly. If anyone in your household has symptoms or has been exposed to COVID-29, stay
home and ask for help. Although we need to stay apart, we are all in this together. Cooperation,
compassion and helping others are ways we can keep everyone in our community healthy and strong.

Mayor Kim Love




© 2022 Kaszuby Cottager's Association